3 Tips For The Safe Construction Of Scaffolding

When you are completing any construction project, access to vertical surfaces can pose a challenge. Scaffolding can give your crew members access to work surfaces that are located high off the ground, but scaffolding can pose a serious safety risk if it is not erected properly.

Here are three tips that you can use while setting up scaffolding on your next construction site to ensure no one is injured while using the scaffolding in the future.

1. Make sure the foundation of your scaffolding is secure.

The first thing that you need to do when trying to safely erect scaffolding is examine the ground next to your vertical work surface. The scaffolding will be required to hold a tremendous amount of weight, so the ground needs to be stable enough to prevent dangerous shifting and potential collapse.

Shore up unstable ground surfaces with wood or concrete prior to erecting your scaffolding in order to prevent potential injuries while the scaffolding is in use. Companies like the one represented at http://www.allstareq.com/ can give you tips on where to set up your scaffolding. 

2. Make sure access points are secure.

Crew members will likely need to use a ladder or a set of stairs to access each level of your scaffolding in order to complete vital construction-related tasks. It's important that you take the time to secure these access points in order to reduce the risk of injury.

Stairs should be equipped with a handrail that crew members can hold onto, and both stairs and ladders need to have traction to prevent dangerous slips when the scaffolding's frame becomes wet or muddy.

3. Limit the distance between frames.

It's important that you have enough scaffolding framework to span your vertical work surface. If you construct frames that are too far apart, the planks joining these frames will not be structurally sound. The planks will become unstable and could collapse while the scaffolding is in use, resulting in serious injury.

Consult with your job site safety agent to determine the maximum distance you should allow between frames, and secure enough framework to limit the span between scaffolding frames to a safe distance.

Using scaffolding to make your vertical work surfaces more accessible can help you keep your construction projects on track. While scaffolding can be useful, it can be dangerous if it isn't erected properly. Take the time to ensure the ground underneath the scaffolding is solid, make sure access points are secure, and limit the distance between frames to make your scaffolding safer in the future.
